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Several Precautions for Eating Walnuts


Walnuts are rich in nutrients and can beautify the skin, nourish the blood, and strengthen bones, making them popular among people. However, although walnuts are good, they should not be eaten casually. There are a few precautions that everyone should pay attention to.

1. Walnuts contain a lot of fat. Don't eat too much as eating too much can affect digestion.

2. Don't peel, brown skin contains rich nutrients, and if removed, it will lose a lot of nutritional value.

3. Don't overeat. Excessive intake can increase fat intake, but excessive intake can have a negative effect on the body.

4. Having a high level of heat, fat, and fiber can cause people to catch fire and diarrhea.

5. Avoid drinking strong tea when eating walnut kernel. Because walnut kernel contains rich protein and iron element, and tea contains tannin, tannin will combine with iron and protein in walnut to form insoluble sediment, which is difficult to digest and absorb. Therefore, avoid drinking strong tea when eating walnut kernel.

6. People with triple high syndrome should eat less. Walnuts are extremely rich in fat, and excessive consumption can easily cause elevated blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood pressure. Patients with diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension usually eat less walnuts to avoid aggravating diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension.


Website: http://m.rabeetsagri.com/en/news/470.html
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