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Kaifeng LANGRUI Machinery Co.,Ltd.

Add.:Zhongxing Road, Biandong Advanced Manufacturing Development Zone, Kaifeng, Henan,China


Tel.:(0371)26668019 26665819



Front powder wrapping system

Front powder wrapping system
Detailed introduction:

Note: this equipment is suitable for powder wrapping processing of flavored nuts and blocky foods such as cashew nuts, hawaiian nuts, padan wood nuts, peanut nuts, hawthorn chunks, etc.




1. Improve the automatic kernel powder wrapping machine to effectively extend the powder wrapping time.By adjusting the cylinder speed and angle to meet different types of kernel and powder wrapping time, the powder wrapping effect is more uniform, effectively reducing the product defect rate;


2.Upgrade and improve the quantitative powder feeding device, making it more precise and convenient for cleaning and maintenance;


3.Equipped with a dust removal system, it can effectively remove the dust generated during the processing process and improve the production environment.



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